Chocolate Facial Mask

1/3 cup cocoa powder
3 teaspoons heavy cream
2 teaspoons cottage cheese
¼ cup honey
3 teaspoons oatmeal

Blend all of the ingredients together; a bullet blender or similar mixing device works remarkably well for this. Allow the mixture to sit for roughly 3-5 minutes before applying to your face and neck. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and neck and allow the mask to rest for 10-20 minutes before removing with a wash cloth and warm water.

Not only is a chocolate facial mask very easy to make, but it is also a great skin moisturizer that will leave your skin baby smooth. This mask will help rehydrate and rejuvenate your skin. A chocolate facial mask is also rich in flavanoids which will help maintain collagen and fight the effects of sun damage on your skin. The chocolate facial mask will also remove dead skin cells and reduce the size and appearance of wrinkles. This helps to give your skin a healthy natural glow.

This chocolate facial mask is also packed with anti-oxidants which will help to prevent free radicals from damaging your natural skin proteins. Most people believe that consuming too much chocolate can cause your skin to break out with acne. This moisturizing mask will not cause your skin to break out. In fact, it can help prevent breakouts caused by deposits of dead skin cells, oils and residue from beauty products such as foundations. Remember, as with any homemade facial, the fresher the ingredients, the better your results.
