5 ways you can minimize the appearance of large pores.

No one wants large pores. Large pores can be genetic and tend to be associated with oily skin. Unfortunately as one gets older, his or her pores can become even larger as the skin becomes less elastic and sun damage can make the pores more apparent. Though large pores are more common among adults, teenagers can also have enlarged pores if they have a lot of blackheads, which are pores that are clogged with dirt and bacteria.

Though there is no “cure” for eliminating large pores altogether, there are steps you can take to minimize the appearance of large pores.

1. It is important to cleanse your face morning and night with a gentle cleanser.

2. Follow with an oil-free moisturizer to hydrate your skin and this step will also help with controlling the oils that come to the surface. If you don’t hydrate your skin morning and night with an oil-free moisturizer, you will become more oily throughout the day because your skin is trying to hydrate the dry areas, hence making your pores larger. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!

3. Exfoliate your skin two to three times a weeks with a gentle exfoliating scrub or microdermabrasion kit after using a facial cleanser. Removing cellular build-up from your skin will help to remove blackheads and old skin, allowing renewed fresh skin to take its place.

4. If you wear makeup, prime your skin with an oil-free, skin-priming foundation before applying your foundation. Doing so will minimize the size of large pores without clogging your pore, it will also minimize any fine lines and wrinkles you may have, and using a primer will also even out your skin tone. A huge bonus is that the makeup won’t settle in your pores because the primer acts as an invisible wall between your skin and the makeup!) Your makeup will also last longer when using a primer.

5. After applying your foundation, dust a translucent oil-free loose powder all over your face with a kabuki brush. The powder will lock the makeup into place and will minimize the size of your pores as well. One of our favorites is Tarte Cosmetic’s Smooth Operator Micronized Clay Finishing Powder with PM20.  This PM20 is a pore-minimizing compound that is clinically proven to minimize the appearance of your pores by 20% after four weeks! The clay will not make your skin look dry either! It is proven to hydrate your skin!
Some people may say these steps will lead to perfection but we think it will lead to pore-fection…

Vedette Beauty & Skin Care Spa
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