Red Wine Face Mask


1 Cup Organic Plain Yogurt

5 Tablespoons Red Wine

2 Tablespoons Pure Honey


Combine the three ingredients in a small mixing bowl and mix together with a whisk. Once blended well together, apply the face mask to your face and neck. Leave on for 20-25 minutes then rinse off with warm water and gently pat dry with a soft hand towel. Follow with an oil-free moisturizer on your face and neck.


Organic plain yogurt is great for the skin because it will leave your skin glowing due to the low amount of acidity in it, which will restore your natural pH balance. It is also great for adding hydration to the skin and is great for soothing sunburns or irritated skin. Make sure you don’t use a reduced-fat or non-fat yogurt. Organic is important too since no chemicals or pesticides are added which can irritate your skin.

Red wine is loaded with antioxidants that are beneficial for your skin especially the antioxidant called Resveratrol. Resveratrol works to providing you anti-aging benefits, making your skin appear more youthful and firm by minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.

Pure honey is loaded with anti-microbial properties and is a natural antioxidant. Honey fights microbial infections that cause acne without irritating your skin. Honey also pulls out impurities from your pores that would normally stay clogged, festering bacteria that causes pimples.  It will also help restore your skin’s texture and reduce damage done to your skin by the sun and daily environments you come in contact with.