Aloe and Honey Mask.

1 Tablespoon of pure Aloe Vera juice or pulp
1 Tablespoon of honey

Mix the 2 ingredients together in a bowl. Once blended evenly, allow to sit in bowl for 10 minutes then apply to face and neck (and back if you have acne there as well). Leave on for about 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water and washcloth.

This mask is super easy to make and use and really helps soothe your skin while fighting acne. Anyone who suffers from swelling, irritation, redness, or acne would benefit from using this mask. Aloe Vera, in its natural form, has been known to help reduce pain and suffering from sunburns but many skin care companies have started adding aloe Vera to skincare products because it really does help with skin irritants from acne.
Honey is loaded with anti-microbial properties and is a natural antioxidant. Honey fights microbial infections that cause acne without irritating your skin. Honey also pulls out impurities from your pores that would normally stay clogged, festering bacteria that causes pimples. It will also help restore your skin’s texture and reduce damage done to your skin by the sun and daily environments you come in contact with.

Vedette Beauty & Skin Care Spa