Does Milk Cause Acne?

milk and acne

It has been of huge debate whether ingesting milk actually does trigger acne to appear or become worse. It has been stated before that you are what you eat and what you take into your body will show through to your skin. We constantly recommend a diet high in organic fruits and vegetables, a moderate amount of lean proteins like chicken and fish, and a healthy amount of whole grains and nuts. But what do we recommend when it comes to dairy, especially milk? Well that is where it gets a bit tricky. There has been much proof that using milk as a topical treatment on your face, like in a face mask for example, is beneficial for your skin but what about when it comes to regularly drinking a big glass of cold milk?

What Research Shows
Scientists have found a link between milk drinkers and acne – One specific study written about in the May 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that boys in the teenage years that drank milk regularly had the worst cases of acne. Other studies that include females have found the same results.  Dairy products like cottage cheese and chocolate milk also triggered acne but regular cheeses and yogurts were not horrible triggers like milk.

What in Milk Causes Acne?
Vitamin D was eliminated from the equation since those who spend time outdoors don’t get acne from enjoying the sun (from which Vitamin D is emitted) in moderation. Nor do those who take Vitamin D supplements have breakouts. Studies have shown that skim milk can often cause worse breakouts than whole milk or reduced-fat milk so the fat content within milk is not a trigger. Research suggests that the cause of breakouts for milk drinkers seems to be the hormones that are in milk. The specific hormone in milk that seems to trigger acne breakouts is androgen hormones.

A certain type of androgen hormones we are familiar with is testosterone. Testosterone is heavily linked to causing acne. Men and women both have testosterone in their bodies, but women at a much smaller scale. DHT (di-hydrotestosterone) is created from testosterone through a complex chain of events. DHT has been found to awaken the sebaceous glands, causing more oil to be released to the surface of the skin, causing pores to be clogged with this excess oil and acne-causing bacteria, thus creating acne.

Many dairy farmers have also been found to inject added hormones to the cows to get them produce more milk for them to sell. These hormones cause the milk to become more potent to acne formation. This high level of hormone in milk is known as IGF-1, which is a growth hormone that can react negatively in teenagers since their IGF-1 climaxes during these adolescent years.
Others believe that all of this is a myth. The Dairy Council said the findings were “skewed” while some doctors don’t think there is enough evidence to prove this theory.

What Can You Do?
Regardless if you drink milk in moderation or in excess, the best milk to drink is organic milk. Organic milk is free of added hormones, chemicals, and pesticides so you will be healthier overall and will more than likely have clearer skin due to being healthier. Luckily, organic prices have gone down since there is a higher demand for organic food and drink in general. You should not have a difficult time finding organic milk for just a slightly higher price than regular milk and even if you have to spend $2 more, the benefits to your health are worth it.  It’s important to follow a healthy diet in general to feel and look your best. Remember, start with taking care of your body from within and it will exude out.


Home Remedies for Brightening Dark Eye Circles

Do you suffer from dark under eye circles? Do not despair. There are treatments available to minimize this unattractive condition and the ones we will share with you today can be done right at home! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what works or doesn’t work. So relax, put your feet up, and read about these awesome and effective treatments.

Tea Bags

Tea Bags are incredibly effective at reducing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes due to the caffeine and tannin within. Simply seep two tea bags, allow them to cool, and apply one under each eye and leave on for 15 minutes. Make sure you have a clean face and have removed all makeup from your eyes. Don’t get nervous if the tea bags stain your under eye skin a bit. It can be washed off.

 Chilled Cucumber Slices

Chilled cucumber slices are wonderful for reducing puffiness and dark circles. Lie down, close your eyes, and apply a chilled cucumber slice over each eye for 15 minutes. You will have a relaxing experience while soothing your under eye area.

Eye Pads


 Eye pads that can be purchased online or in a store are also available to treat dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines and wrinkles. Many include ingredients such as caffeine, Vitamin C and E, among many other beautiful ingredients. A specific eye pad treatment we love is Eyedews. They are jelly pads of Natural Marine Collagen infused with Hyaluronic Acid, Chitosan, and Vitamins C and E to heal damaged, dehydrated, and tired eyes.

Schedule an Appointment With Your Doctor

If you try all of these treatments and none of them seem to help you, you may want to schedule an appointment with your doctor and see about other treatments available.

Yogurt & Egg Whites Mask

2 Tablespoons of PLAIN organic yogurt
2 Raw egg whites (no yolk) in a bowl

Break open 2 eggs, separating the yolk from the whites – you only want to use the egg whites for this mask! Add 2 tablespoons of PLAIN yogurt to the bowl with egg whites and mix together. Apply to face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes, followed by rinsing off with a warm washcloth. Feel free to rinse off with your hands and warm water as well if your skin is more sensitive.

NOTE: If you have more oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the mask instead of yogurt.

Egg whites are loaded with vitamins that help fight acne. Vitamin B3 helps improve the blood flow of the body, thus opening your pores, helping to remove dirt and oils from clogging them. Vitamin B2 helps relieve stress and since stress is correlated with acne, egg whites will help minimize both! Zinc is also found in eggs and zinc is known to help regulate hormones (hello teenagers!) and heal open wounds and cuts more quickly. If you pick or pop a pimple you shouldn’t have, you definitely want to try this mask out!

The yogurt will add moisture to your skin and leaving your skin feeling as soft as a baby’s bum and will leave your skin glowing as well!

Vedette Beauty & Skin Care

How to Treat Cystic Acne.

Cystic acne can be incredibly painful and seem impossible to get rid of. The cysts can swell tremendously on different areas of your face, causing your face to look like it has a severe abnormality. Cystic acne differs from regular acne because it not only attacks the surface and under layer of your skin, but also attacks the tissues within the skin. This can cause severe scarring and damage to the skin. If your cystic acne becomes quite large and looks like nodules on your face, it is time for you to visit the dermatologist to find the most effective treatment for your skin. Listed are four possible treatments for your cystic acne:

1. Prescription antibiotics taken orally to attack the bacteria-causing cysts and inflammation from within your body. Your doctor will discuss with you if this is the best course of treatment and the required dosage.

2. Corticosteroid injections are another option on fighting cystic acne. The steroids injected into the cysts are known to reduce swelling over time, anywhere from a few days to a couple of months depending on the severity of your cysts. Using this treatment minimizes possibility of scarring as the cysts diminish, dry up, and disappear after a short amount of time. Your doctor may incorporate this treatment with an oral antibiotic if they see fit.

3. Female contraceptives (birth control) are known to reduce cystic acne. This treatment will decrease the amount of sebum (oils) that are released to the surface of the skin by balancing out hormone levels.

4. Accutane or Isotretinoin as prescribed by your doctor. Both drugs are quite powerful and potent and are only to be taken by the order of your doctor and you must be monitored regularly if on either medication. There are extreme side effects but either can do wonders at treating cystic acne.

As stated above, any of these treatments must be ordered by your doctor and what works for one patient may not work for another. Your doctor will evaluate what is best for YOU. Be patient on this quest of healthy, clear skin. You have made the right step if you made the appointment to visit a dermatologist…in due time, you will have the best treatment to cure your cystic acne.
Vedette Beauty & Skin Care
738 E. 31st
Brooklyn, NY 11210

Strawberry Cream Mask

¼ cup of fresh strawberries (ORGANIC is best and NOT frozen!)
1 banana
¼ cup of plain organic yogurt or sour cream
1 tablespoon of organic honey

Mash strawberries and banana and mix together with the plain yogurt or sour cream and honey. Apply all over your face (avoid getting in your eyes!) and neck. Allow to sit on your skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse mask off with warm water. Save any leftover Strawberry Cream Mask in a closed container, refrigerated, for future use!

Strawberries contain a large amount of Vitamin C, which is known to play a key role in the production of collagen. Vitamin C aids in anti-aging, and also reduces fine lines and wrinkles and minimizes blemishes and acne. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in many skin care products.

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in fish oils, but strawberries as well! It’s known that omega-3 helps reduce inflammation in the body and skin, and can help hydrate skin that is dry and flaky (especially beneficial for those dealing with Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dermatitis). It also helps with keeping the skin looking younger.

Salicylic acid is also found in strawberries and is known to minimize acne and rids the skin of dead skin cells so fresh, renewed skin can surface. Strawberries also contain loads of antioxidants that help fight free radicals that attack your skin, helping you look more youthful and giving you a beautiful glow to your skin. Strawberries also help lighten the skin which is why it’s important to apply the mask on the under eye area as well to lighten dark circles.

Plain organic yogurt or honey will give you added moisture and leave your skin glowing.
Bananas are great for reducing skin inflammation and for soothing blemishes and breakouts.
Honey is a wonderful antioxidant proven to help reduce impurities from the skin and help battle mild acne. It also helps restore skin’s texture due to its anti-microbial properties, and will help repair skin damage from the sun and daily environments.


Chocolate Facial Mask

1/3 cup cocoa powder
3 teaspoons heavy cream
2 teaspoons cottage cheese
¼ cup honey
3 teaspoons oatmeal

Blend all of the ingredients together; a bullet blender or similar mixing device works remarkably well for this. Allow the mixture to sit for roughly 3-5 minutes before applying to your face and neck. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and neck and allow the mask to rest for 10-20 minutes before removing with a wash cloth and warm water.

Not only is a chocolate facial mask very easy to make, but it is also a great skin moisturizer that will leave your skin baby smooth. This mask will help rehydrate and rejuvenate your skin. A chocolate facial mask is also rich in flavanoids which will help maintain collagen and fight the effects of sun damage on your skin. The chocolate facial mask will also remove dead skin cells and reduce the size and appearance of wrinkles. This helps to give your skin a healthy natural glow.

This chocolate facial mask is also packed with anti-oxidants which will help to prevent free radicals from damaging your natural skin proteins. Most people believe that consuming too much chocolate can cause your skin to break out with acne. This moisturizing mask will not cause your skin to break out. In fact, it can help prevent breakouts caused by deposits of dead skin cells, oils and residue from beauty products such as foundations. Remember, as with any homemade facial, the fresher the ingredients, the better your results.


5 ways you can minimize the appearance of large pores.

No one wants large pores. Large pores can be genetic and tend to be associated with oily skin. Unfortunately as one gets older, his or her pores can become even larger as the skin becomes less elastic and sun damage can make the pores more apparent. Though large pores are more common among adults, teenagers can also have enlarged pores if they have a lot of blackheads, which are pores that are clogged with dirt and bacteria.

Though there is no “cure” for eliminating large pores altogether, there are steps you can take to minimize the appearance of large pores.

1. It is important to cleanse your face morning and night with a gentle cleanser.

2. Follow with an oil-free moisturizer to hydrate your skin and this step will also help with controlling the oils that come to the surface. If you don’t hydrate your skin morning and night with an oil-free moisturizer, you will become more oily throughout the day because your skin is trying to hydrate the dry areas, hence making your pores larger. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!

3. Exfoliate your skin two to three times a weeks with a gentle exfoliating scrub or microdermabrasion kit after using a facial cleanser. Removing cellular build-up from your skin will help to remove blackheads and old skin, allowing renewed fresh skin to take its place.

4. If you wear makeup, prime your skin with an oil-free, skin-priming foundation before applying your foundation. Doing so will minimize the size of large pores without clogging your pore, it will also minimize any fine lines and wrinkles you may have, and using a primer will also even out your skin tone. A huge bonus is that the makeup won’t settle in your pores because the primer acts as an invisible wall between your skin and the makeup!) Your makeup will also last longer when using a primer.

5. After applying your foundation, dust a translucent oil-free loose powder all over your face with a kabuki brush. The powder will lock the makeup into place and will minimize the size of your pores as well. One of our favorites is Tarte Cosmetic’s Smooth Operator Micronized Clay Finishing Powder with PM20.  This PM20 is a pore-minimizing compound that is clinically proven to minimize the appearance of your pores by 20% after four weeks! The clay will not make your skin look dry either! It is proven to hydrate your skin!
Some people may say these steps will lead to perfection but we think it will lead to pore-fection…

Vedette Beauty & Skin Care Spa
Twitter @Vedette_Day_Spa
Instagram @Vedette_Day_Spa

Sour Apple Smoothie- Keep the wrinkles away.

1 Granny Smith green apple (cored and chopped)
1 banana
1 cup orange juice
1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt (organic is preferred)
½ cup fat-free milk (organic is preferred)
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Blend all the products together until smooth and enjoy!

Apples contain a high level of glycolic acid and help minimize scarring from acne, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The glycolic acid also stops oils and bacteria from getting trapped under the skin’s surface. Glycolic acid is found in a numerous amount of skin care products so why not try ingesting it through a smoothie?

Bananas are rich in potassium and Vitamin C and are known to improve digestion, allowing the body to break down food and rid the body of stomach problems. Bananas will improve skin texture and help in making your skin pimple-free! Raw almond butter contains a high level of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to repair skin from sun damage, scarring from acne, and also will aid in minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. The antioxidants in almonds also help fight off free radicals, fighting bacteria that cause acne.

The dairy in this smoothie will help calm your skin of any redness or irritation that may develop from acne or other skin issues including psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. Orange juice is packed with Vitamin C and will improve skin color and texture, leaving your skin fresh and glowing! Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and will help regulate the body’s oil production, in turn reducing oils that surface on the skin which in turn reduce clogged pores and breakouts.

Vedette Beauty & Skin Care Spa